Balint Vazsonyi

Balint Vazsonyi
Born March 7, 1936
Died January 17, 2003
Nationality Hungarian
Alma mater Florida State University
Occupation pianist

Balint Vazsonyi (7 March 1936 - 17 January 2003) was a Hungarian pianist, international recitalist, soloist with leading orchestras, and political journalist. He made performance history in playing chronological cycles of all 32 piano sonatas by Beethoven over two days in New York, Boston, and London. During the last 6 years of his life, he became a commentator in Washington, D.C., on the state of American politics.


Early Studies

From 1945-56 Balint Vazsonyi attended the Franz Liszt Academy of Music from which he earned an Artist Diploma. He made his debut in Budapest (at age 12) with the F Minor Concerto of J.S.Bach.

On 15 December 1956 Vazsonyi fled Budapest on foot for Austria, where he became pianist in the refugee Philharmonia Hungarica under conductor Antal Doráti. He studied at the Vienna Music Academy with Professor Richard Hauser from 1957–58 and made his Western debut in the Großer Musikvereinsaal, Vienna in January 1958 as soloist with L'Orchestre de la Suisse Romande under conductor Volkmar Andreae.

In 1960, upon receiving a scholarship to study with Ernő Dohnányi at the School of Music Florida State University, Vazsonyi moved to the United States, earning a Master of Music degree. Being the last pupil of the master, Vazsonyi became the last link in a tradition that stretched back to Franz Liszt. At FSU, he met another Dohnányi student, Barbara Whittington, whom he married on February 26, 1960.

Early career

In 1960-62 Vazsonyi resided in Zürich, Switzerland and in Wiesbaden, Germany, giving concerts and recording in Europe.

From 1962-64 he became Pianist-in-Residence at the newly-formed Interlochen Arts Academy where his son Nicholas Vazsonyi was born in 1963. He became an American citizen in Ann Arbor, Michigan in 1964 and was awarded the Liberty Bell Award in that same year.

In 1964-78 Vazsonyi moved to London, England with his family for private studies with pianist Dame Myra Hess, from 1964 to her death in 1965. London remained his home base for concertizing in Europe, England, America, and South Africa, recording, and presiding over master classes at Harvard, Yale, Dartmouth, New England Conservatory, Catholic University, Peabody, University of Washington.


In 1978-84 Vazsonyi was invited to be Professor of Music at Indiana University, Bloomington School of Music where, as well as having a private piano studio, he conducted all Doctoral Seminars in Piano Literature.

Dohnányi biography

In 1982, while still teaching at Indiana University, Bloomington, Balint Vazsonyi earned a Ph.D in History, University of Budapest based, in part, upon his seminal monograph of Ernő Dohnányi [1], which resulted in a street next to the Franz Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest being named for his mentor as well as an official absolving (2002) of false Nazi-sympathizer charges against Ernő Dohnányi made after World War II.

While professor at Indiana University School of Music, Dr. Vazsonyi held a masterclass in piano performance. In this weekly seminar, performances were offered critical comments from students and from Professor Vazsonyi. No stranger to the political arena, he exposed his piano students to the realities of the international political climate.

Balint is survived by his musical spouse Barbara and their son Nicholas with his wife Agnes and Balint and Barbara's grandchdildren.

Entrepreneurship -- Telemusic, Inc.

In 1983-92, Vazsonyi, founder/CEO of Telemusic, Inc., wrote/produced, along with video conceptualizer/director Nicholas Vazsonyi, four TV/Home Video/DVD (see list below) films on the lives of Mozart (scripted by Nicholas Vazsonyi), Beethoven (European portions directed by Cash Baxter), Schubert, and Brahms (see TV/Video titles below). With the English actor Sir Anthony Quayle, he leads the viewer through cities of Europe in search of the life and soul of these composers, using costume drama, music video, and musical selections. According to the Washington Times obituary, he once played all of Beethoven's 32 piano sonatas in the order they were composed over the course of a single weekend.

Mayoral run

In 1991, Bloomington, Indiana's Republican mayoral candidate having stepped down with 100 days (3½ months) remaining, Vazsonyi, based on several articles published in Bloomington's The Herald-Times regarding the First Gulf War, was recruited to run. Even though his opponent won, he claimed the experience taught him how America works full circle.


In 1993, Balint Vazsonyi became Dean of Music at the New World School of the Arts in Miami, Florida but was forced to resign in disgrace by September 1994, after reconfiguring the music program to provide him a platform for his eccentric views on politics and the world. During that time, he was appointed Senior Fellow at the Potomac Foundation, McLean, Virginia and wrote his first political treatise "The Battle for America's Soul". Between 1993-95, he was Honorary Cultural Counselor in America for Hungary (The Republic of Hungary), a member of the Board of Directors, Chopin Foundation of the United States and of the Washington Bach Consort.

Political philosopher

In 1995–2003, he moved to Washington, D.C. as Senior Fellow of the McLean, Virginia think tank, Potomac Foundation and within that, founded and became Director of Center for the American Founding dedicated to the following principle: "We advocate and practice discussion of national issues as they relate to America's founding principles. For continued success, we believe this nation needs to return to the Rule of Law, Individual Rights, the Security of Property, and the same American Identity for all its citizens." Dr. Vassonyi clear recognized what was taking place in America as time progressed: the creation of commissar positions in America acquired the dimensions of a growth industry. The avalanche began with affirmative action officers, equal opportunity officers, judicial inquiry officers, and civil rights divisions. These positions exist for the sole purpose of enforcing a political agenda - an occupation at odds with the very nature of America. Certain college and university departments - departments of education, of communications, of journalism, social studies, and urban planning-became the reliable producers of commissars. Law schools, too, began to churn out graduates trained to serve a specific political agenda, rather than jurisprudence. Soon, entire government departments were created to function as Commissariats, such as the Department of Education, Health and Human Services, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Energy, and the Department of Commerce. Several other federal agencies, such as the National Endowment for the Arts, and its sister outfit, for the Humanities, fall into the same category. All these agencies offer services people find useful, and employ many capable professionals along with commissars. But they are of the same cloth, for they provide a platform for commissars, lack constitutional legitimacy, and are virtually immune to citizen complaints. Eventually, commissar types found their way into legislatures, the Supreme Court, and the White House. The recent acquisition of the Department of justice as a commissariat, and the growing multitude of commissar judges on federal benches, complete this massive force whose effectiveness - unlike the armies and submarines of the Third Reich or the ICBMs of the Soviet Union - has proved a match for America's awesome industrial, financial, and spiritual strength." ~Balint Vasonyi, America’s Thirty years War: Who is Winning (1998)

Last years

During those years he published and lectured extensively on cultural and political subjects, appeared in The Wall Street Journal, National Review, wrote a bi-weekly column for The Washington Times, and a weekly, nationally syndicated column for Scripps Howard. His proposals for the application of America's founding principles to the national debates have been printed in the Congressional Record, Imprimis, the Heritage Foundation and in Representative American Speeches.

His book, "America's 30 Years War: Who is Winning"? defining the source of alien ideas subverting America's culture and society was published by Regnery in 1998. Balint Vazsonyi was a frequent guest on national talk radio and appeared on television shows such as NBC Today, Booknotes on C-SPAN with Brian Lamb, and Washington Journal, MSNBC, and Insights with Robert Novak.

In 2000, he toured the nation's capitals to promote a national conversation he called Re-Elect America!. The one-hour television documentary about the tour has been aired on WETA-TV, Washington's PBS station.



Print publications

  1. ^ "Ernő Dohnányi" (1st comprehensive monograph), Editio Musica, Budapest 1971. 70.5477 Egyetemi Nyomda; Nap Kiado. and Budapest 2002 ISBN 963-9402-22-2

Quotes from reviews


External links